MCG started the aqcuisition of the Nordland III Extension MC2D-MCG1202 survey July 16 in the Norwegian Sea. This 1500 km, high density, long offset survey is an extension to our MC2D-MCG1002 Træna/Nordland III survey and covers the Nordland Ridge towards the Helgeland Basin. A denser line spacing is acuired within the PL 651 Production License in order...
News archive
MCG has commenced Nordland III extension, MC2D-MCG1202
Fingerdjupet, MCG1201, in the Barents Sea is now available
MCG is pleased to announce that we have now the full MC2D-MCG1201 Fingerdjupet/Loppa Fault Complex survey completed through processing with PSS-Geo and available for licensing to the oil companies.
Acquisition in Fingerdjupet, Barents Sea, well underway
MCG is pleased to announce that we are well underway with our MCG1201 Fingerdjupet MC2D acquisition in the Barents Sea. Geolog Nalivkin from MAGE will acquire the 5,500 km survey with a 8,100 m solid streamer.
MCG data in the Barents Sea
An overview of MCG's data in the Barents Sea in relation to the blocks out for public hearing for the 22nd licensing round on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
MCG completes acquisition of Bjørnøya Basin West MC2D October 30
MCG is pleased to announced we have completed the MC2D-MCG1101, Bjørnøya Basin West survey October 30, 2011.
MCG commences Bjørnøya Basin West MC2D July 8
MCG mobilized the GGS Atlantic in Tromsø July the 8th to commenced on the MC2D-MCG1101 Bjørnøya Basin West survey. The vessel is operated by Seabird. A 10 km streamer will be deployed to image deep events and provide the oil companies with excellent AVO products.
MCG/WesternGeco MC2D reprocessing in the Philippines for the upcoming PECR4 Round
MCG and WesternGeco have reprocessed 5,740 line kilometers of 2D seismic that covers under-explored 4th Philippine Energy Contracting Round (PECR4) Areas 10, 11, 13 and 14, which are located adjacent to the basin where recent discoveries have been made.