Seabird's 2D vessel Munin Explorer completed acquisition of 2,866 km, the MC2D-MCG1001, on the 24th of May 2010. This year's acquisition in the Bjørnøya Basin was a southward extension to last year's programme, MC2D-MCG0901 (3,512 km). Hence, MCG now has a contineous 2D dataset of 6, 378 km in this highly interesting part of the Bjørnøya Basin for the...
News archive
Acquisition of Bjørnøya Basin East Extension completed
MCG continues acquisition in the Bjørnøya Basin area
MCG is pleased to announce that we mobilized the Seabird seismic vessel MuninExplorer in Tromsø April the 5th to commence on a southernly extension to last year MC2D-MCG0901 survey. The MC2D-MCG1001 survey will cover blocks which were nominated by oil companies for the 21st Concession Round in Norway as well as blocks which is currently out for public...
MCG's Barents 2D survey in nominated blocks for the upcoming 21st Round in Norway
The nomintations for the 21st Round in Norway were announced yesterday, January 20, and our long offset multi client 2D in the western Barents Sea, the MC2D-MCG0901, was very well covered by nominated blocks. A total of 15 blocks nominated by 2 or more oil companies and 4 blocks nominated by one oil company, are covered by MCG's high quality, long offset...
MCG and JMJ sign cooperation agreement
MCG is pleased to announced we today have signed a cooperation agreement with JMJ Petroleum Pte Ltd (JMJ) in Singapore. JMJ is a well established player in the Asia Pacific providing the oil companies with extensive regional and basin wide exploration reports, both on a multi client (MC) and proprietary basis. Their reports are based on a multitude...
Successful acquisition of Barents MC2D survey
Our first multi client 2D, MC2D-MCG0901, was completed successfully September 2, 2009. MCG is pleased with the performance of the SMNG's Akademik Lazarev and we are sure the high quality 2D data will provide our clients with a very good exploration tool for the 21st Round in Norway. The 3,500km of data was acquired in a safe way within the time schedule.
MCG commences our first MC2D
MCG is pleased to announced we have commenced our first multi client 2D survey, MC2D-MCG0901. The survey is in the Norwegian Barents Sea in the geological province of Bjørnøya Basin. It covers plays from the Jurassic, Cretaceaous and Tertiary and there are several prominent seismic anomalies within the survey area, indicating a working hydrocarbon system....
MCG to market and sell Aker Exploration's EM scanning surveys in Norway
MultiClient Geophysical AS (MCG) and Aker Exploration AS (Aker) have entered into an exclusive Sales and Marketing Agreement for 7 of Aker's electromagnetic (EM) scanning survey on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.