News archive

AAPG 2014

MCG gives back

MCG has decided to give a helping hand to the non-profit organization Streetlight in the Philippines. Streetlight runs a center with an orphanage for 25 children, a school with about 100 students and offer medical aid to children in the city of Tacloban. During the typhoon in the Philippines on 8 November, Streetlight’s center was razed. All the children...

Lars Ivar Leivestad joins MCG – Sales Manager Norway

MCG is pleased to announce that Lars Ivar Leivestad joined the company today, 1 December, 2013. He will be based in our head office in Asker.

MCG commences a new multi-client 2D in the Barents Sea

MultiClient Geophysical (MCG) is pleased to announce yet another long-offset multi-client 2D (MC2D) survey in the western part of the Norwegian Barents Sea. This survey is situated in the area southwest of the Bjørnøya (Bear Island) where blocks have been awarded in the 22. Concession Round. This survey extends our 4 x 4 km grid acquired in 2011 and...

MCG completes acquisition of Barbados MC2D

MultiClient Geophysical ASA (MCG) is pleased to announce the completion of the MC2D-MCG1281 survey in Barbados.

Kenneth W. Mohn to run MCG's Houston office

MCG is very pleased to announce that Kenneth W. Mohn will join MCG and be in charge of our newly established branch in Houston. Kenneth will be the Managing Director and Vice President Americas in MultiClient Geophysical LLC.

MCG commences multi-client 2D survey in the Barents Sea

MCG is pleased to announce the commencement of a new multi-client 2D survey, MCG1301, in the southwestern Norwegian Barents Sea. This is the fifth consecutive year MCG acquires multiclient 2D in the western Barents Sea. The survey is a consistent 4x4 km grid and will be around 8,400 km. This will bring MCG's high quality, long offset, multi-client 2D...