News archive

The Caribbean Atlantic Margin Deep Imaging (CAMDI)

Geoex MCG are pleased to present the Caribbean Atlantic Margin Deep Imaging (CAMDI) survey. This 16,348 km survey is targeting the highly prospective and underexplored basin along the Southeastern Caribbean and Western Atlantic margin of Northeast South America.

Quad 35 Hybrid MC3D

Geoex MCG and Seismic Partner are truly proud to announce that the world's first ever Ultra High Density (UHD) multi-client 3D hybrid seismic acquisition within Quadrant 35 in the North Sea has successfully completed!Historically, the seismic node and streamer industry have been working on separate fronts to better improve their solutions, while competing...

Seismic Acquisition Reinvented - Quad 35 Hybrid MC3D

Exclusive: US$1,000 Nigeria Well Data Package Now Available

Data package for 59 wells is now available for only US$1,000 (reproduction cost) to prequalified bidders of the 2020 Marginal Fields Bid Round.

Nigeria Marginal Fields Bid Round 2020

Bilview and Geoex are making available to the industry a set of affordable, workstation-ready well logs, correlative information (deviation, tops, reports, lithology, bio, chronostratigraphy, etc.), and on-demand log suites.

The 2019 Norwegian Sea Regional Deep Imaging (RDI19) data is ready

MCG & Geoex are pleased to announce the processing of the Regional Deep Imaging (RDI) data acquired throughout 2019 in the Norwegian sea has been completed and finalized.

New Plays Based on a ‘Deep-Basin’ Jurassic Petroleum System Offshore Atlantic Morocco

Three new play types based on a deep-basin Jurassic petroleum system offshore Atlantic Morocco have been identified, based on interpretation of new deepwater seismic data and information from DSDP boreholes.