News archive

Exploring Natural Hydrogen

In a bid to explore new energies, our team members Pascal Lipsky and Mike Powney have attended the Natural Hydrogen Workshop, together with our partners. The event was hosted on Wednesday, 12th January by geology experts from SRC, expanding our inquiry into new energy niches of the geoscience sector.

Quad 35 Hybrid MC3D - GEO ExPro fold-out October 2021

Geoex MCG and Seismic Partner are pleased to present the Quad 35 Hybrid MC3D data in a fold-out article in this months Geo ExPro magazine.  

Quad 35 Hybrid MC3D - Superior Data Quality

Geoex MCG, Seismic Partner, and the clients that already have seen the data are very pleased with the data quality of the Quad 35 Hybrid MC3D survey. Seismic interpreters from GeoProvider who worked the data were also excited, calling it the best 3D data in the North Sea, sharp, precise and crystal clear.

RDI21 Acquisition completed

Geoex MCG is pleased to announce that the Regional Deep Imaging 2021 (RDI21) cross border acquisition in the North Sea has completed.

Quad 35 Hybrid MC3D data is ready!

Geoex MCG and Seismic Partner are pleased to announce that the final processed Quad 35 Hybrid MC3D data is ready.

We are Geoex MCG.

Geoex and MultiClient Geophysical (MCG) are now Geoex MCG. The primary reason for this name change is to unify our brands into a single entity, following a cross-border company merger.

Regional Deep Imaging Project (RDI19) - GEOExPro fold-out