We procure high-quality data for the energy industry.
Bringing together a multi-disciplinary team of experts in geoscience, interpretation, operations and marketing with an intimate knowledge of the energy industry and exploration of natural resources.
Latest news
- Now Open: Trinidad and Tobago 2025 Deep Water Competitive Bidding Round (DWCBR) - 04 February 2025
- Presenting an exclusive Venezuela exploration data opportunity - 24 September 2024
- T&T Deep Water Bid Round: A Gateway to Energy Opportunities - 27 August 2024
Explore our data library
Mexico - MaximusSurvey details Zoom +
Mexico - Maximus
The program named “Maximus” comprises 23,600 km of seismic MC2D data covering 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th round blocks in the Salinas Basin, in addition to a regional grid over the Yucatan Shelf and deep water.
The survey program started in July 2015.
PSTM and PSDM data is now available (September 2016).
Data processing is done by DUG.
Survey name Mexico - Maximus
Nicaragua Caribbean 2D ReprocessingSurvey details Zoom +
Nicaragua Caribbean 2D Reprocessing
Geoex & MCG are pleased to present the multi-client 2D and 3D project in the prospective and underexplored area of the Nicaragua Caribbean margin. 2D PSTM reprocessed pilot data and 4,900 km2 of reconditioned fast-track 3D data are available. Complete PSTM & PSDM reprocessing will be available upon request. New 2D data acquisition will commence subject to market interest in blocks on offer.
Survey name Fugro 1999 Survey location Nicaragua Caribbean Acquisition year 1999 Survey type 2D Survey size Pilot Lines: 598 km Streamer length 3,600 m Reprocessing year 2020 Type of processing PSTM (Broadband processing, including advanced deghosting techniques) -
Nicaragua Caribbean 3D Reconditioned FTSurvey details Zoom +
Nicaragua Caribbean 3D Reconditioned FT
Geoex & MCG are pleased to present the multi-client 2D and 3D project in the prospective and underexplored area of the Nicaragua Caribbean margin. 2D PSTM reprocessed pilot data and 4,900 km2 of reconditioned fast-track 3D data are available. Complete PSTM & PSDM reprocessing will be available upon request. New 2D data acquisition will commence subject to market interest in blocks on offer.
Survey name PGS 2011 Survey location Nicaragua Caribbean Acquisition year 2011 Survey type 3D Survey size 4,900 sqkm Streamer length 10 x 8,000 m Reprocessing year 2020 Type of processing Reconditioned FT Available products PSTM (Broadband processing, including advanced deghosting techniques) -
Nicaragua Pacific: The Complete CollectionSurvey details Zoom +
Nicaragua Pacific: The Complete Collection
Nicaragua Pacific CC is the definitive data source for your frontier exploration. This complete data package (PSTM & PSDM) was expanded in 2022 and incorporates all available data in the region:
New Data
- 3D ST18005 (3,227 km2) - 2018
- 2D ST18005 (1,328 km) - 2018
- 2D Geoex MCG (5,892 km) - 2015
Reprocessed Data
- UTIG ‘04 (2,430 km) - 2004 (repro 2016)
- Statoil ‘90 (939 km) - 1990 (repro 2016)
- Oceanic ‘73 (1,339 km) - 1973 (repro 2016)
The Pacific Coast of Nicaragua comprises the Sandino Basin - a fore-arc basin located in front of the Caribbean Plate of Nicaragua, which was developed during the Cretaceous and contains up to 10,000 meters of Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments. This basin comprises 160 km of the Middle American Trench and extends onshore through the Nicaraguan Depression.
Reservoir and source rocks have been identified in the Sandino basin. The sedimentary infill of Sandino basin represents a prograding succession of sediments grading from deep (pelagic to slope deposits) to shallow marine to transitional continental system.
Processed in both time (PSTM) and depth (PSDM) using DownUnder GeoSolutions’ Broad Deghosting Technology.
In partnership with Petronic.
Survey name Nicaragua Pacific: The Complete Collection Survey location Nicaragua Acquisition year Various (See Description) Survey type MC2D / MC3D Survey size Various (See Description) Streamer length 8 km Available products PSTM / PSDM
MCG1881 - Caribbean Atlantic Margin Deep Imaging (CAMDI)Survey details Zoom +
MCG1881 - Caribbean Atlantic Margin Deep Imaging (CAMDI)
The CAMDI survey is designed to assist oil companies to better understand the regional tectonic framework of the various basins along the Southeastern Caribbean and Western Atlantic margin of Northeast South America. The survey includes a Detailed Grid, off Trinidad and Tobago and Grenada, to provide more detail, tying the producing areas to the underexplored deeper part of the Tobago Trough.
The Tobago Trough is an underexplored area flanked by oil and gas production to the East and South in Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago and recently, with a new gas discovery offshore Grenada. Seismic interpretation of this survey along with the 2013 Geoex MCG 2D survey in Barbados, shows a thick sedimentary succession in the Tobago Trough. The presence of a mature La Luna oil prone source rock in the Trough seem likely.
The Caribbean Atlantic Margin Deep Imaging survey ties the Sandy Lane well in Barbados in addition to several deeper wells in Trinidad and Tobago.
Data has been processed in both time and depth, utilizing the latest broadband technology. Gravity and Magnetic data were also acquired with the survey.
The survey was acquired using a 37.5 meter shotpoint interval and Continuous recording 18 second record length.
Survey name MCG1881 Caribbean Atlantic Margin Deep Imaging (CAMDI) Survey location Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados, Grenada and St. Vincent Acquisition year 2018 Survey type MC2D Survey size 16,348 km Processing year 2018/2019 Type of processing PSTM and PSDM Available products PSTM, PSDM, Grav/Mag -
MCG1281/1381 - BarbadosSurvey details Zoom +
MCG1281/1381 - Barbados
Survey name MCG1281 / MCG1381 Survey location Caribbean – Barbados Acquisition year 2012 / 2013 Survey type MC2D Survey size 6 837 km Streamer length 10 500 m Processing year 2012 / 2013 Type of processing PSTM Available products Full stacks, angle stacks and gathers
CCUS Gulf of Mexico (GoM)Survey details Zoom +
CCUS Gulf of Mexico (GoM)
Legacy Data. Powered by Machine Learning.
CCUS GoM is an extensive (31,197 km2) subsurface study identifying Carbon Storage capacity and ranking of key prospects in protraction areas of the US Gulf of Mexico. The study utilizes 3D and 2D legacy volumes and incorporates data from up to 4,137 wells.
Underlying datasets:
- 8 x 3D seismic data
- 3 x 2D seismic data
- 4,137 wells
Survey name CCUS Gulf of Mexico (GoM) Survey location Gulf of Mexico Survey type Subsurface Study Survey size 31,197 km2 Processing year 2023 Type of processing Reconditioning, Machine Learning Available products Interpreted Seismic and Well Data
Australia - Roebuck Tarantula ReproSurvey details Zoom +
Australia - Roebuck Tarantula Repro
Survey name MCG Australia – Roebuck Tarantula Repro Survey location Australia Acquisition year 1999 Survey type MC2D reprocessing in association with CGGV Survey size 13 143 km Streamer length 6 000 m Reprocessing year 2010 Type of processing PSTM Available products Full stacks, angle stacks and gathers -
Great Australian Bight - Deep Water ReproSurvey details Zoom +
Great Australian Bight - Deep Water Repro
Survey name GAB – Deep Water Repro Survey location Australia Acquisition year 1998 Survey type MC2D reprocessing in association with Fugro Survey size 5 315 km Streamer length – m Reprocessing year 2009 Type of processing PSTM Available products Full stacks, angle stacks and gathers, Aeromagnetic and Satellite seep data -
Great Australian Bight - Flinders ReproSurvey details Zoom +
Great Australian Bight - Flinders Repro
Survey name GAB – Flinders Repro Survey location Australia Acquisition year 2000 Survey type MC2D reprocessing in association with Fugro Survey size 15 978 km Streamer length 6 000 m Reprocessing year 2009 Type of processing PSTM Available products Full stacks, angle stacks and gathers, Aeromagnetic and Satellite seep data
NW Europe
Nordkapp Basin ReprocessingSurvey details Zoom +
Nordkapp Basin Reprocessing
Survey name Nordkapp Basin Reprocessing Survey location Nordkapp Basin - Norwegian Barents Sea Acquisition year 1984, 1985 & 1986 Survey type 2D Seismic Survey size 19,372 km Reprocessing year 2018/2019 Type of processing PSTM -
The Norwegian SuperMergeSurvey details Zoom +
The Norwegian SuperMerge
Analyse the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) with our integrated and ‘Ready-to-go’ 2D and 3D seismic data, and check shot correlated velocities, put together by high-profile industry experts with extensive experience in the NCS.
The high-quality datasets are matched for maximum coverage and as one uniform interpretable dataset. Pick and choose from the following products in any area of interest, down to one block size:
- 2D and 3D merged and matched seismic data
- Stacking velocity calibrated with the check-shot data
- QCed check-shot data
Or select from one of our packages:
- North Sea data package
- Norwegian Sea data package
- Barents Sea data package
The SuperMerge projects will enhance your exploration activities with smooth and rapid access to integrated data volumes.
Value points:
- The original seismic data (2D/3D PostStackTM) are the best available in the high data density zones and each chosen volume was re-gridded, time-shifted and phase adjusted to the reference best quality survey of the area to create a uniform output regional volume. All taper zones were deleted and only the best data in overlap zones was kept (with a small overlap).
- The final product is a new unique SuperMerge where 3D volumes and 2D surveys are perfectly matched (no mis-ties) and harmonized (amplitude, time and phase shift) for the best coverage.
- Regularly updates in all three areas on the NCS
- Delivery of the seismic data in SEGY within days
- List of available products:
- 2D and 3D seismic data
- Stacking velocity data set calibrated with the check shot data
- QC-ed Check shot data
- Price at nominal cost
Survey name The Norwegian SuperMerge Survey location NCS Survey type Merged and matched released seismic data Available products Merged and matched 2D/3D seismic data and check shots correlated velocities -
Quad 35 Hybrid MC3DSurvey details Zoom +
Quad 35 Hybrid MC3D
Survey name Quad 35 Hybrid MC3D Survey location Quadrant 35 - Northern North Sea Acquisition year 2020 Survey type Hybrid - Ultra-High Density (UHD) MC3D Streamer and sparse OBN Survey size 962 sqkm Processing year 2020/2021 Type of processing PSTM/PSDM with FWI velocities -
Quad 35 North Hybrid MC3DSurvey details Zoom +
Quad 35 North Hybrid MC3D
Survey name Quad 35 North Hybrid MC3D Survey location Quadrant 35 - Northern North Sea Acquisition year 2022 Survey type Hybrid - Ultra-High Density (UHD) MC3D Streamer and sparse OBN Survey size 420 sqkm Processing year 2023 Available products PSTM/PSDM with FWI velocities -
Froan/Frøya MC3DSurvey details Zoom +
Froan/Frøya MC3D
Survey name Froan / Frøya MC3D Survey location Froan / Frøya Acquisition year 2017 Survey type MC3D Survey size 2842 sqkm Processing year 2017/2018 -
Regional Deep Imaging (RDI)Survey details Zoom +
Regional Deep Imaging (RDI)
The RDI project consists of 16,000 km long offset data in the North Sea, Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea.
- Long seismic MC2D profiles that image large scale, deep-seated, crustal structures
- New broadband seismic acquisition and processing with longer offsets and record length than existing data
- Cross border lines (Norway, UK, Faroe Islands and Denmark)
Survey name Regional Deep Imaging (RDI) Survey location Norway, UK, Denmark, Faroe Islands Acquisition year 2018, 2019, 2021 Survey type MC2D Survey size 16,000 km Streamer length 12,000 m Processing year 2018-22 Available products PSTM, Gravity, Magnetic
NW Europe
Morocco Atlantic Margin Well TieSurvey details Zoom +
Morocco Atlantic Margin Well Tie
Survey name Morocco Atlantic Margin Well Tie Acquisition year 2017 Survey type 2D Seismic Survey Survey size 15,000 km Streamer length 10,000 m Processing year 2017 Type of processing PSDM
West Gulf of SuezSurvey details Zoom +
West Gulf of Suez
Total of 6,405 km airborne gravity and magnetic data in the northeast Egypt transition zone. Fully processed datasets are now available.
Acquisition parameters
Line spacing / direction: 1000 m / 45˚ - 225˚
Tie line spacing / direction: 4000 m / 135˚ - 315˚
Flight altitude: 300 m +/- 20 m above highest pointSurvey name West Gulf of Suez Survey location Egypt Acquisition year 2018 Survey type Airborne Gravity & Magnetic Survey size 6,405 km -
Ganope Block 4Survey details Zoom +
Ganope Block 4
Acquisition parameters
Line spacing / direction: 2,000 m (SW/ NE)
Tie line spacing / direction: 8,000 m (SE / NW)Flight altitude:
Airborne magnetic: 100 m above ground
Airborne gravity: 700 m above sea levelSurvey name Egypt Ganope Block 4 Survey location Egypt Acquisition year 2017 Survey type Airborne Gravity & Magnetic Survey size 17,163 km
Block 5Survey details Zoom +
Block 5
Survey name Block 5 Survey location São Tomé and Príncipe Acquisition year 2015 Survey type 3D Survey size 1,421 km2 Available products PSTM
Contact us
Email: info@geoexmcg.com