The Norwegian SuperMerge

02 May 2024

Analyse the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) with our integrated and ‘Ready-to-go’ 2D and 3D seismic data, and check shot correlated velocities, put together by high-profile industry experts with extensive experience in the NCS.

The high-quality datasets are matched for maximum coverage and as one uniform interpretable dataset. Pick and choose from the following products in any area of interest, down to one block size:

  • 2D and 3D merged and matched seismic data
  • Stacking velocity calibrated with the check-shot data
  • QCed check-shot data

Or select from one of our packages:

  1. North Sea data package
  2. Norwegian Sea data package
  3. Barents Sea data package

The SuperMerge projects will enhance your exploration activities with smooth and rapid access to integrated data volumes.

Value points:

  • The original seismic data (2D/3D PostStackTM) are the best available in the high data density zones and each chosen volume was re-gridded, time-shifted and phase adjusted to the reference best quality survey of the area to create a uniform output regional volume. All taper zones were deleted and only the best data in overlap zones was kept (with a small overlap).
  • The final product is a new unique SuperMerge where 3D volumes and 2D surveys are perfectly matched (no mis-ties) and harmonized (amplitude, time and phase shift) for the best coverage.
  • Regularly updates in all three areas on the NCS
  • Delivery of the seismic data in SEGY within days
  • List of available products:
    • 2D and 3D seismic data
    • Stacking velocity data set calibrated with the check shot data
    • QC-ed Check shot data
  • Price at nominal cost

Please get in touch for more information.